Tuesday, March 30, 2021

3 Poems about Nature in Indonesian Language

March 30, 2021 0 Comments


1. Surga Dunia Tempatku Dilahirkan

Di suatu pagi aku terbangun

Alunan udara menyapaku dengan lembut

Ku langkahkan kaki perlahan

Aku berdiri dan terdiam diambang pintu

Sembari melihat panorama indah yang terbentang luas


Gunung-gunung berbaris rapi dengan

Sawah hijau bergerak mengikuti aluran angin

Seolah menari-nari menyambut bangunku pagi ini

Burung-burung berkicau, menari, bersahut-sahutan

Menunjukan betapa bahagianya mereka pagi ini


Inilah surga duniaku..

Tempat dimana aku dilahirkan dan di besarkan

Tempat dimana aku diajarkan berjalan dan berbicara

oleh ibunda tercinta..

Rasa sejuk, nyaman, dan tentram begitu melekat di jiwa

Tak henti-hentinya aku berdecak kagum dan

Besryukur kepada sang Zat yang Maha Sempurna

Berkat-NYA surga ini tercipta..

Duhai desaku.. kau surga duniaku yang terindah..

2. Sang Sahabat Malam

Di malam hari yang sunyi dan dingin

Ku buka jendela kamarku

Ku lihat sang rembulan yang menatapku penuh hangat

Seolah-olah menyapaku untuk

Melenyapkan heningnya malam


Terlihat di setiap sisi sang bulan

Hamparan bintang yang berkerlap-kerlip

Menambah nuansa panorama indah sang bulan

Gelapnya malam ini

Menjadikan sang bulan dan bintang bak sahabat

Di malam yang kelam


Kehadiran sang bulan dan bintang yang slalu kunantikan

Untuk menenagkan jiwa yang berkecamuk

Wahai sang bulan dan bintang

Tetaplah bersinar di tengah pekatnya malam

Untuk menemani malam umat yang sepi


3. Andai Hutan Dapat Berbicara


Daun hijau ku yang mulai layu bertebaran diatas tanah

Serpihan ranting ku berserakan di tiup angin

Batang ku nan coklat terbelah menjadi dua

Akar ku mulai melemah tanda ia sudah tak mampu

untuk bertahan..


Aku pun bertanya-tanya..

Kesalahanan apa yang telah aku lakukan

Hingga kalian tega berbuat seperti ini

Aku hanya ingin tetap berdiri dengan kokoh

Tumbuh segar berwarna hijau untuk menyejukan

bumi ini..


Aku hanya ingin tetap bercengkrama dengan udara

Agar aku tetap dapat memberikan kehidupan

kepada umat manusia

Aku hanya ingin tetap berdiri dengan gagah

Agar dapat melindungi bumi ini dari

gejolaknya bencana alam



Hentikanlah semua penyiksaan ini

Jaga dan rawat lah aku kembali

Jangan biarkan alam semakin murka

Karena aku tak sanggup melihat

ibu pertiwi ini menangis lagi..


Friday, March 26, 2021

MID-Semester: Why Thesis Should be An Option for Students? This The Reasons!

March 26, 2021 0 Comments


"Thesis (Skripsi)", a word that is familiar for students in Indonesia, especially for final students. This word is sensitive enough for some student who are working on it even who haven't done it. It is not taboo anymore if a thesis has been used as a graduation requirement for students. In July 2015, the Government planned to remove the thesis as a requirement for graduation for the undergraduate level in an effort to prevent cases of fake diplomas that were increasingly occurring. The government policy regarding the elimination of this thesis is actually not a new plan in the world of education in Indonesia. Many people who provide thesis writing services that sell fake theses and diplomas was the strongest argument that led this policy being issued. In addition, many students feel burdened by the existence of a thesis, so that many students have delayed their graduation because they have not completed their thesis.  However, it is necessary to know that the thesis is actually important. Thus, universities can measure the quality of their students based on the thesis they make. Therefore, the thesis should not have to be obliged or even deleted. It would be better to implement a policy of making the thesis an option for a final project for students. There are two reasons that underlie why a thesis should be an option for student as their final project.

The first reason is not all students are oriented, have interests, and are also talented in research. So, if the thesis is a compulsory graduation requirement for undergraduate students, that’s why this could be one of the reasons for the emergence of fraud in thesis making. The acquisition of student insights while studying on campus cannot be measured only by a thesis. The determination of the thesis as a compulsory subject in the final semester needs to be slightly changed because the development of the student mindset is increasing in line with the times. Students' knowledge which is now more extensive and advanced, so it is not sufficient only to be measured by a thesis.

In addition, the study in the thesis are usually more theoretical rather than practical. Students learn theory then the theory is applied in society and is expected to be able to become a solution to existing problems. However, it cannot be denied that there are students who do not agree with the thesis as one of the requirements for graduation because not a few of them usually prefer practical things rather than theoretical ones. They prefer to explore their ideas to be realized in a form of work that can be seen and beneficial by many people. Sometimes, this is what makes many students compelled to make a thesis just because of the demands of the university, so that the thesis made was not optimal.

        The second reason is still related to the previous reason, namely the thesis is considered a creepy thing for students so that many students die before going to war.  Currently, thesis is seen as a "fortress" that must be passed if you want to graduate from college.  As a result, all the students did to get beyond the fort.  Many students think "the important thing is that I can passed this thesis," and not a few students who take their research topics not according to their interests just because they avoid the supervisor who is considered "killer" so that students cannot deepen the knowledge they are working on,  so the thesis was made not very satisfying.

Many of the students who at the beginning of the lecture have good thinking qualities, but after starting to encounter the thesis making process they become pessimistic students. Problems that are often faced by students when completing theses, such as delayed theses, problems with supervisors, or ongoing revisions, are what can be frightening for students. This is the reason they cannot graduate on time, even many of them cannot graduate and are forced to move to other universities. This also frustrates them so that they don't want to continue their studies anymore. Because of this, it will not only harm students, but also harm the university. The academic quality of the university has also decreased as the number of students graduating has declined. So, currently thesis is only considered as a way to graduate, which is actually a thesis aimed at measuring the quality of students, but now there are not a few students who don't care about the quality of their thesis, they just think the important thing is that the thesis-making process is passed quickly.

Since the beginning, the university should strive to foster positive student attitudes towards research, and make research activities a part of student life, as a continuation of inquiry-based learning and critical thinking. However, it does not mean that students obligate to write a thesis with the processes and systems that have been considered often make student graduation not on time, and make some students do not like doing research. If the government will establish a policy that provides other alternatives to a thesis as a graduation requirement for undergraduate students, I strongly agree.  However, these other alternatives must still support student interests, talents, and orientation, and can support the fulfillment of students' hard skills and soft skills.

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Assignment 5: 5 Interesting Things in Jambi Province that You Must Try and Visit!

March 20, 2021 0 Comments


Every city or region in Indonesia has its own uniqueness. This uniqueness can be created from its culture and geographic location.  Likewise with Jambi province, the city which is located in the middle of the island of Sumatra also has its own uniqueness. This region with its motto "Spucuk Jambi, Sembilan Lurah " has 9 Regencies and 2 Cities. And almost all districts and cities have tourism potential with their respective privileges. Jambi province tourism offers a wide range of recreational options. Starting from natural tourism, history, to artificial recreation that you should not miss it. Therefore, for those of you who like to traveling and have never been to Jambi province, it seems that this information is perfect for your reference because this time I will discuss the features that Jambi province has that you should try and visit. So, without any further ado let’s scroll down!

1.      Tugu Keris Siginjai (The Iconic Monument in Jambi)

The Keris Siginjai Monument is the newest monument to become iconic in Jambi.  Even the monument has become an icon in Jambi in terms of tourism and culture. This monument has a very valuable history for Jambi. The factor that causes this monument to be very special is because of a history that makes the Keris Siginjai a very important object. Not only for Jambi, but it is also a matter of pride for Indonesia. Besides that, the atmosphere in this place is fairly cool at night, this monument is also a comfortable place for people to hang out with family or friends.  There are also many traders along the park selling food and drinks with affordable prices. Not surprisingly, this area has now become a free tourist destination favored by the public.

2.      Jembatan Gentala Arasy (Pedestrian Bridge and Gentala Arasy Tower)

Not only the Keris Siginjai Monument, Jambi also has a tourist icon that is no less interesting which is a must for people to visit. Gentala Arasy Bridge is one of the most popular tourist objects in the city of Jambi.  Reported by Abadihoteljambi.com, this bridge has a length of about 503 meters and at the end of the bridge there is a tower which has a height of about 80 meters which has an Islamic style architecture. The bridge that was built over the Batang Hari river has such a magnificent and beautiful view.

3.      Geopark Merangin (Natural Wealth in Jambi Province)

Geopark Merangin is a natural heritage site from ancient relics located in Merangin, Jambi. Reporting from Disparpora.Meranginkab.go.id, Geopark Merangin contains fossils of leaves, wood, roots, animals, and shells. The fossils are estimated to be around 300-500 million years old which are located along the Batang Merangin and Mengkarang rivers. The fossils in this Geopark are dominated by shell fossils, ancient pearl fossils, and wood fossils that can be found in rocks along the Batang Merangin River, and many are still buried in the ground. Not only its beautiful natural charm, this historical heritage in the form of fossils that we can rarely find in other areas has become an iconic heritage in Merangin.  In addition, when we visit this place we can not only see the fossils, we can also see along the 3 hour journey through the rafting that is never boring.  We can also enjoy views of rivers, forests, and even some exotic waterfalls.  The excitement of traveling by rafting requires guts, extra energy that cannot be obtained other than in this place.  There are so many great spots to take photos that can produce stunning photos with a natural depiction of nature.

4.      Rawa Bento

Rawa Bento is a swamp located in Kerinci, Jambi.  This swamp is one of the new tourist attractions in Kerinci, which is quite popular with its views of Mount Kerinci, as well as birdwatching activities by boat. Various beautiful views can be enjoyed from Rawa Bento. Mount Kerinci which stands majestically, as well as green expanses of grasslands and trees create a beautiful nuance. The cool and fresh air also adds to the beauty of this swamp.  In this place there are also traditional boats that can be rented at affordable prices. Here you can also rent camping equipment which is quite complete that has been provided by the local community, or you can also stay at homestays around the area.

5.      Enjoy the delicacy of Jambi's special food, Tempoyak.

Apart from visiting the tourist attractions, it will feel incomplete if you don't try Tempoyak, which is a famous Jambi food.  Tempoyak is a typical Jambi food made from fermented durian.  After being fermented, the durian will give off a strong aroma with a distinctive taste.  Tempoyak is a spice commonly served as a side dish and eaten with rice.  Jambi people also often use tempoyak as a mixture in making chili sauce. Tempoyak has a distinctive sour taste with a soft texture of fruit flesh.

Its strategic location among other cities in the surrounding province makes the role of this province quite important, especially with its abundant natural resources.  Apart from all that, Jambi province offers quite a variety of tourist destinations, such as historical tours, waterfalls, lakes, islands, mountains, and artificial tours that certainly spoil the eyes with their beauty.  Let's visit Jambi province and get ready to be amazed by its natural beauty!


Abadi Hotel. Wisata Jambi Terbaru. www.abadihoteljambi.com. Retrieved March 18, 2021 from https://abadihoteljambi.com/10-tempat-wisata-di-jambi-yang-bakal-menyegarkan-pikiranmu/

Merangin The Hidden Paradise. Geopark Merangin, Kekayaan Alam di Provinsi Jambi. www.disparpora.meranginkab.go.id. Retrieved March 18, 2021 from https://disparpora.meranginkab.go.id/geopark-merangin-kekayaan-alam-di-provinsi-jambi/

Utomo, Bagus Setyo. Rawa Bento, Sebuah Rawa dengan Keanekaragaman Burung di Kaki Gunung Kerinci. www.tempatwisata,pro. Retrieved March 18, 2021 from https://www.tempatwisata.pro/wisata/Rawa-Bento

Friday, March 12, 2021

Assignment 4: Why is Gender Equality Important for Women?

March 12, 2021 0 Comments


Most of you, of course, already know International Women's Day, right? International Women's Day is a Day on which women around the world, have the opportunity to celebrate their achievements, and call for greater equality for the awakening of women to the importance of taking part in the development of the world. For a long time, the role of women in social life has been hampered by inappropriate perceptions of gender equality. So far, society considers women to have limited opportunities based on physical differences. This perception then develops in society and becomes a stigma in the community. This is what causes the role of women to be limited in social life. Women are positioned to play a role at home and only men work outside. In fact, women also deserve the same opportunities as men. Women also want to have equal access and opportunities according to their competence, such as in professions in the world of work.

Currently, many women out there struggle for gender equality. By fighting for women's rights, of course, it has a very important purpose for the future. In addition, there are many reasons why gender equality is important for women, including the following:

1. To eliminate all forms of discrimination that often occur in the world of work.

Equality is usually closely related to gender issues, especially how women have rights in the world of work. Women also need and should have equality. If a woman has equality and an equal part in a company, of course she will find it easier to explore her abilities. Everyone in their work must be given equal rights in developing their abilities and ideas. If this can be realized properly, it can make the company have a good working environment.

2. Every woman has the right to receive the same higher education as men.

As we have known for a long time, it is not taboo anymore if only men are obliged to have education to the highest level. Meanwhile, women are only allowed to have education only up to senior high school. Even many women cannot go to school and only stay at home to do housework. However, with the development of the times, women must have higher education, this is because women are not supposed to be good at doing housework but are also required to have better knowledge. This is because women will become mothers who must be able to guide their children to become intelligent and educated people. This is because a mother is the first school for her child.

3. With gender equality, it is hoped that it will be able to eliminate all forms of violence and sexual harassment experienced by women.

Women are frequently become the victims of violence and sexual harassment. This is because women are considered physically and emotionally weak. This incidents often occur in public places or in a family or even done by someone who close to them. Of course this is a violation of a person's right to be treated kindly by others. Women and men still have equality and justice with each other. Not being treated harshly has become a form of gender equality and sexual equality.

4.Every woman has the right to have the freedom to participate in politics, socially and economically.

With gender equality, women have the freedom to take part in politics in the country. Apart from politics, there are various other fields that can participate in it, including in the social and economic fields.

Equality is important because we are human beings who have the same rights and obligations, the same opportunity to feel valued. Both women and men deserve the same education and have the right to choose our future.  As a woman, you have the right to choose freely for your life. As in choosing a work profession, you have the right to have any profession, even a profession that society usually considers only for men. Women can also be successful in any field, including being a leader. In commemoration of International Women's Day, at least women are encouraged to be more creative and able to produce bright and constructive ideas for the progress of this nation.  Keep working ladies!  Do not give up! Happy International Women’s Day for all of Wonder Women in The World!


Saturday, March 6, 2021

Assignment 3: The Reason Why The Covid-19 Vaccine Should Not be Mandatory

March 06, 2021 0 Comments


The COVID-19 virus outbreak was officially declared as global pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020. The rapid spread of COVID-19 and the dangers that will arise if it is not treated immediately, one very possible way to prevent the spread of this virus is by developing a vaccine.  Based on a survey by the Indonesian Ministry of Health, WHO and UNICEF which was carried out in November 2020 with more than 112,000 respondents, it shows that only 64.8% are willing to be vaccinated. Moreover, 7.6% strongly reject the COVID vaccination and 27.6% expressed doubts. In the midst of the pros and cons of its acceptance in society, some people believe that a vaccine can break the chain of spreading the Corona virus so that it can return the world to a normal situation like it was before the pandemic. However, on the other hand, there are also many people who think that this vaccine should not be mandatory for various reasons.

The main reason for the rejection of mandatory vaccines is the existence of human rights that must be established. Many argue that if vaccines are mandatory and impose sanctions if refusing to be vaccinated, this actually violates human rights. Everyone has the right to determine whether it is good or not for themselves, especially in matters of health.  This is also supported by the World Health Organization (WHO), which says that they do not agree with state regulations that require the Corona vaccine. WHO considers that mandating corona vaccinations to every citizen will only create a boomerang that triggers them to be increasingly antipathic regarding the Covid-19 vaccine. As reported by CNN Indonesia, WHO said that convincing the public regarding the benefits of vaccines would be more effective in attracting people to want to be vaccinated rather than obliging the vaccine regulations.

In addition, not a few people are worried that the vaccine that will be given has side effects that will actually harm them. This COVID-19 vaccination action carried out by the government also looks too hasty.  As we know, making a vaccine is not easy and it takes a long time for this vaccine to be said to be suitable for use by people. Receiving an untested vaccine carries the risk of creating new health problems.  Even though they have passed the phase 1 and 2 clinical trials, they may be constrained or fail the phase 3 trial. Therefore, there are still many people who doubt the efficacy of this vaccine.

And lastly, other impacts that arise, one of which is the payment of the COVID-19 vaccine, which will lead to the commercialization of vaccine prices by hospitals as happened in the application of the PCR Swab test and the Rapid test. This will also create new problems in the community and reduce public trust to the government and the vaccine. As a result, many people will refuse to be vaccinated. Currently in Indonesia, public trust in COVID-19 is decreasing due to various issues regarding the hoax of the COVID-19 virus.  In addition, there are many hospitals that take advantage of the situation by forcing people to take a Swab test if they want to check their health or who want to carry out any treatment. With this, of course, the community is forced to pay for the swab test. If this happens in the implementation of vaccination later, it will have a bad impact. Those who initially wanted to break the chain of spreading the Corona virus, but instead made the public even less willing to be vaccinated.

However, most medical circles and WHO believe that vaccines are a solution that is expected to be able to be a preventive or mitigation effort to prevent the transmission of the COVID-19 virus.  But, it doesn't mean making vaccination mandatory is the right thing to do. The government should reconsider this matter, so that this vaccination can be realized properly. It would be better for the government to socialize the benefits of vaccines and be more open about the issue of vaccine implementation than punishing the public for refusing to be vaccinated.

Zein, Rizqy Amelia. (2021). 27% Penduduk Indonesia Masih Ragu Terhadap Vaksin COVID-19, Mengapa Penting Meyakinkan Mereka. www.theconversation.com. Retrievied March 5, 2021 from https://theconversation.com/27-penduduk-indonesia-masih-ragu-terhadap-vaksin-covid-19-mengapa-penting-meyakinkan-mereka-150172

Rahayu, Ulfa. (2020). Pro Kontra Rencana Vaksin COVID-19 di Indonesia. www.hellosehat.com. Retrievied March 5, 2021 from https://hellosehat.com/infeksi/covid19/rencana-vaksin-covid-19/

CNN Indonesia. (2021). WHO Sebut Tak Setuju Negara Wajibkan Vaksinasi COVID-19. www.cnnindonesia.com. Retrievied March 5, 2021 from https://m.cnnindonesia.com/internasional/20210113111735-134-593040/who-sebut-tak-setuju-negara-wajibkan-vaksinasi-covid

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