Monday, September 14, 2020

# Cretive Writing # Fun Facts

Autobiography: Story of My Life



            Well, My name is Siti Maharani Salsabilla, the daughter of Mr. Rahmad Dirhamsyah and Mrs. Mardesi Fitriyana. People used to call me Bella, but my close friends used to call me Bebel or Bellut. A little story about my name, every time I tell my full name and my nickname, people will feel confused and immediately ask me "hah Bella? but I cannot see Bella in your full name, how come?". The name 'Bella' itself was the idea of ​​my mom to replace Billa with Bella for my nickname so that it is easy to remember and nice to be called by people. Therefore, until now I was known as 'Bella'. I am the eldest and I have two siblings. I have a younger brother named Muhammad Raffi Alfarisy who is currently in 3rd grade at high school and my younger sister named Siti Sahla Humaira who is currently in 4th grade in elementary school.
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        I am a girl of Minang and Malay descent. My dad came from Jambi and my mom came from Lubuk Basung, West Sumatra.  My tribe is Chaniago because I follow my mom's tribe. My daddy's job is a civil servant and my mommy is a housewife. I am currently 20 years old. I was born on February 10, 2000 in Lubuk Basung, West Sumatra. More precisely, in a house owned by a midwife in my village.When my mother was about to give birth to me at the time the midwife's neighbor was having a wedding party, the Minang people usually called the wedding party is "Baralek". My mom said, the louder she endured the pain the stronger the singing voice of “Baralek” was. And finally I was born at 03.00 am. According to my mom's story, when I was born I did not cry like a normal baby but I made a sound like hum or sang. However, when my grandfather did “adzan” to me, that is when I started crying coincidentally. At that time my grandfather did "Adzan" for me, because my daddy was in Jambi.
Me and my cousin

By the way, there are unique things that happened to me. When I was little and my parents brought me to Jambi, my family or the people closest to my parents did not believe that I was the child of my parents. People think I switched at the hospital. This is because, I have white skin and slanted eyes like a Chinese. However, my parents ignored it because I was born in a midwife's house, not in a hospital. Because of that, my family often joked around and called me the "Cino Kebun" kid. Even now, everyone meets me and my parents often doubt that I am the child of my parents. However, even so I do not feel angry or sad, instead I feel happy because if people say I look like a Chinese it means I am pretty, right?  Because usually Chinese people are beautiful.😁

I grew up and live in Merangin, namely in the city of Bangko. This is because my father works at Bangko. I spent my childhood and my school days in Bangko. I had a happy, normal childhood because I really enjoyed my childhood.  When I was little, I really liked various kinds of toys, including toys for boys. I really like robot toys, toy cars, and various other boy toys. Another funny moment also happened when I followed my mother to a traditional market and at that time my mother only brought money which was only enough to buy kitchen necessities. However, I suddenly saw a robot toy and I was crying in the middle of the market asking for the robot because my mother was ashamed to see me crying, finally my mother bought the robot for me and my mother did not go shopping because her money ran out to buy the robot.

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Since childhood I was spoiled by my parents, especially my father. My father really likes to buy me dolls or other toys. Whenever he goes out of town, he always bought me a doll or a toy so that now I have lots of dolls in my house. Until one day, my father had to secretly buy me a toy for fear that my mother would be angry. Since childhood, I have been close to my father and my father often pays attention to my style, such as choosing clothes and pulling my hairs, so it can be said that my father is my stylist. Before I was born, my father hoped that the first child born would be a girl maybe that is why my father really likes to dress me up. I believe that a daughter's first love is her father.💜💛

To be honest, I was very sassy. I like styling various kinds of hair, wearing unique earrings, dressing up and wherever I go I always wear sunglasses. Having a style like that used to be a pride for me, I feel like a model at that time. However, if this time I think back to it I am very embarrassed and feel how tacky I used to be. Even though my style is feminine, but almost all of my friends are boys. When I was a child, I loved adventure with my friends, I liked to play in the forest, climb trees, play kites, and play gravel. However, I also very scared of balloons. My mom said I never wanted to go to my friend's birthday party because I was so scared of balloons. Every time I see a balloon I always cry.

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        So far the things I really like are music, cats and pink.  I love cats so much. For me cats are a part of my life. Somehow cats are very tame to me, sometimes just seeing it, I already know how the cat's character. People who know me often give me the nickname "Mak Kucing". When I saw a street cat without feeding it I felt very guilty, I always tried my best to be able to feed the cat even if only a can of milk.  Sometimes I always prepare special milk for cats, the people around me sometimes feel confused about why I am overreacting to cats. Even though cats are creatures that also need help, as humans we should be sensitive to that. Don't just think it's just a "cat" we do not want to help them. In my house, cats often come to ask for food, I am very happy because I can help them.  For now I only have two cats because most of my cats suddenly disappear and don't come home.

Cr: Pinterest

        Besides that, I also really like pink. Anything that is pink, I can immediately fall in love with it. Some people think that pink is a color that is too feminine, for spoiled and sassy girls. Precisely for me, pink is a color full of tenderness and affection. Almost all of my stuff is pink. Cat and pink are the most inherent things in me, so that it has become a distinctive feature for me among my friends. My friends also understand very well, if they see pink stuffs or cats they will immediately remember me. Pink and cat are things that cannot be separated from me.

To be continued^^




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