Saturday, December 14, 2019

# Fun Facts # Idioms

10 Beautiful Flower Idioms

When the day of spring, All over the country, leaves are turning green, blossom is blooming, and flowers are pushing their way up out of the ground – it’s no wonder nature has inspired many an English expression!
Here are twenty idioms about plants, flowers, and trees:

1. To come up / out smelling of roses
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    It means emerge from a situation with one's reputation undamaged.
    Example: "The scandal could have ruined her reputation, but she came up smelling of roses"

2. To go to seed 
    Image result for to go to seed animation
    This is slightly negative, be careful to use this too. If somebody goes to seed, it means their
    quality appearance has declined. It might mean that they look older or worse than they did.
    Example: "After having children, started to go to seed. He didn't look so good anymore."

3. As fresh as  a daisy
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    It means healthy and full of energy.
    Example: "I thought I'd have a hangover, but I've woken up as fresh as a daisy."

4. A late bloomer
    Image result for A late bloomer idiom
    It means somebody who develops later on in life, either physically or mentally.\
    Example: "Colonel Sanders, the founder of KFC, was a late bloomer. He founded KFC at 65."

5. No bed of roses
    Image result for roses idiom
    It means difficult or not easy.
    Example: "Gaining a UK citizenship is no bed of roses, it's very difficult."

6. Pushing up the daisies
    Image result for Pushing up the daisies idiom
    This slightly morbid one. If you are pushing up the daisies, it means you're dead. You're 
    underground and you're helping the daisies to bloom.
    Example: :"My late uncle Malcolm is pushing up the daisies."

7. oops a daisy!
    Image result for oops face funny
    This isn't really an idiom, it's more of an exclamation. It's an expression used to indicate
    surprise. It's like "ah silly me! Oh no!" we can just shorten it down to oops!.
    It is quite frequently used with children.
     Mom: "Bella, you left the front door unlocked again"
     Bella: "oops a daisy, silly me!"

8. A shrinking violet
    Image result for a shrinking violet idioms
    It means who is very shy and does not like to express their views or opinion.
    Example: "I'am no shrinking violet when it comes to expressing my opinions."

9. To nip something in the bud
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    This means to stop something at an early stage.
     Example: "If you see yourself developing a bad habit, try and nip it in the bud before it
     comes ingrained."

10. To smell the roses
      Image result for smell the roses
      This means to appreciated what is often ignored.
      Example: "Every morning I like to stop and smell the roses and take my dog on a walk."

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