Thursday, February 25, 2021

Assignment 2 : The Positive Sides of Online Learning You Should Know!

February 25, 2021 0 Comments


After the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic in Indonesia in March 2020, the government has issued a policy in education, namely eliminating direct face-to-face learning for a while and replacing it with online learning, both at the primary school, middle school, and college levels. Online learning itself is a step to use information technology using a computer or gadget. The use of information technology is expected to be able to overcome the teaching and learning process so that it continues to run well even though it is during the Covid-19 pandemic. Every policy must have pros and cons, especially this online learning.  Not a few students have complained about this online learning. However, that does not mean that online learning always causes negative things. There are several positive sides that can be felt by students during this online learning.

The first positive thing that is felt by students during online learning is reduced financial costs, thus making students save more their money. Online learning is much more affordable than face-to-face learning. This is because with this online learning, students do not need to pay for costs such as transportation, student meals, and it is very helpful for students from outside the city who live in boarding houses so that they do not have to pay for a boarding house. In addition, all learning materials are available online, so students do not need to use a lot of paper which is more affordable, as well as beneficial for the environment.

Another positive side of online learning that can be felt by students is that online learning is more flexible.  This allows students to attend class from any location at any time.  This also allows students to reach a wider network so that student learning is not distracted by signals.  In addition, online learning can also train students to learn independently.  During this online learning students are required to study on their own without full supervision by the teacher or lecturer as usual in class.  Students can find information and learning materials that are interest for them so that the learning process doesn't feel monotonous. Students who are accustomed to studying on themselves will usually absorb more knowledge than students who only depend on the teacher's explanation. Therefore, students not only make teachers and books at school or campus a place to find information, but information sources on the internet will become a wider source of learning for them.

The last positive side of online learning is that it makes Indonesian education more advanced and people will get used to using increasingly modern technology. As we know, there are still a lot of schools in Indonesia that do not use technology in the learning and teaching process. Therefore, there are so many students and teachers who are still unable and understanding in using technology. With an online learning system like this, students and teachers can learn to take advantage of existing technology. Students and teachers become more adept at operating technology and are more creative in seeking instant information and communication. Thus, the Indonesian people no longer feel stuttering in terms of technology and are even more accustomed to using technology, especially in the field of education.

Although education in Indonesia has been affected by the Covid-19 pandemic, behind all this, of course, there are lessons to be learned. The existence of a government policy to conduct distance learning via online can provide benefits for increasing awareness in mastering current technology and overcoming problems in the education process in Indonesia. Hopefully this pandemic will pass quickly. Don't forget to use your mask and always wash your hands. Be safe and keep healthy everyone!

Monday, February 22, 2021

Assignment 1 (NEWS Video & Written) : Re-Implemented Online Learning Policy in New Semester: How do Students respond to This?

February 22, 2021 0 Comments

Siti Maharani Salsabilla (A1B218074)
Feby Thalita Putri (A1B218075)

News Video:

JAMBI – Jambi University re-implemented online learning activities at the end of January. The implementation of this online learning activity has drawn various views from Jambi University students. This online learning system is carried out as a way to prevent the spread of covid-19 in Jambi province. The opinions that have emerged include things such as the strengths and weaknesses that students feel while participating in this online lecture activity.  Some students still feel the effectiveness of this online learning, on the other hand there are still many students who have not felt the effectiveness of this policy.

One of the students of Jambi University, Faculty of Economics, taxation study program, Dila Adelia, said that the advantage she can feel during this online learning is that it can save costs for students such as transportation and housing costs because students can study at their homes without having to pay boarding house fees.

“Students can attend lectures wherever and whenever they are and can also save on transportation or housing costs, especially for students who live outside the city who live in a boarding house, then lecture time is also shorter than conventional lectures and takes a lot of time  at home with family.” she said.

In addition, there are many problems experienced by students while undergoing this system.  Obstacles felt by students such as Internet dependence, poor signals and lack of social interaction between students.  It is almost one year since online learning has been implemented, signals are the main problem faced by all students in Indonesia, especially for those who live far from big cities.  In this online learning, students also feel that the knowledge they get is not optimal as when studying face-to-face in the campus.

“The obstacle that is definitely felt by students is becoming very dependent on the internet because if it is difficult for signals it will hinder learning and we cannot attend lectures properly.  Then, there are also some courses that cannot be taught online such as practicum and in terms of social interaction it becomes more difficult and becomes accustomed to it alone.” She said.

“If it is a matter of knowledge, it may feel less in getting knowledge because sometimes it is constrained by signals so that the material that can be understood is from 100% maybe only 40% can be understood” she said.

With the pros and cons of this online learning, issues arise about the implementation of online learning that will continue even after this pandemic is over.  Regarding this, many students do not agree with this because the online learning system that has been implemented now is not fully effective and well implemented. “I don't really agree, because I think online learning are less effective ” said Dila, a Jambi university student in her interview.

It is not known how long online learning will be carried out, but with the many obstacles experienced by students, they hope that the Covid-19 pandemic will end quickly and offline or face-to-face learning will be implemented again soon.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Week 2: Kampus Merdeka: Wheter This Policy Appropriate or Not to be Implemented?

February 09, 2021 0 Comments


Higher education is a place to produce intellectual students. All the hopes of the nation will rest on students and the academic community. Various efforts have been made to improve the quality of higher education, one of which is the implementation of a new policy, namely "Kampus Merdeka" which was released on January 24, 2020 by the Minister of Education and Culture, Nadiem Makarim.


        There are four main policies issued by Nadiem or who is familiarly called 'Mas Mentri'. The first policy is to provide flexibility for public universities (Perguruan Tinggi Negri/ PTN) and private universities (Perguruan Tinggi Swasta/PTS) to open a new study programs. The second policy is a re-accreditation program that is automatic for all rankings and is voluntary for universities and study programs that are ready to move up the rankings. Third, provide freedom for public universities, public service agencies (layanan umum/BLU), and work unit (Satuan Kerja/Satker) become a legal entity state university (PTN BH). And the last, gives students the right to take courses outside the study program and changes the definition of Semester Credit Units (SKS).

However, every policy will always reap the pros and cons. Nadiem Makarim's new policy cannot be separated from criticism, one of which is the fourth policy. Many people argue that this policy arguably strengthens the commercialization of education. This kind of educational orientation will actually create a ready-to-work workforce, not improve the quality of knowledge. If we explore deeper about this policy through the guidebook of Merdeka Belajar issued by the minister of education and culture, the criticism is not entirely true. In the guidebook we will find that student interest is more directed to be achieved with this Merdeka Belajar program.

There are eight forms of learning activities in this Kampus Merdeka, namely student exchanges, internships or work practices, teaching assistance in educational units, research, humanitarian projects, entrepreneurial activities, independent projects, and thematic real work lectures (, 2020). From the eight activities students can choose freely according to their interests. In other words, the Kampus Merdeka policy will be able to give students flexibility to study across disciplines. Students will have more freedom to express themselves in terms of creativity. In addition, the field program is expected to be able to get students closer to the community directly.   


The effectiveness of this policy has begun to be felt by a lecturer at the Faculty of Economics and Communication at Bina Nusantara University, Margana Wiratma.  Reporting from, he said that internships for students for two or three semesters could make them work professionally. As long as he is the enrichment program supervisor at his campus, from the overall evaluation, the average internship student can do well in the third month. He also revealed that the Kampus Merdeka policy was actually mutually beneficial for all parties. The university gets input from the world of work, and student reports become teaching materials for adjusting courses that are able to answer real-world needs. Meanwhile companies can get skilled workers.  In addition, students also gain new experience and skills at work (, 2020).

So, every new policy in the field of education cannot be separated from the aim of making education in Indonesia more advanced, innovative, productive, and able to compete at the world level. Everything that students learn during the four years on campus is closely related to the world of work, the purpose of lectures is definitely to equip us to be better prepared for work. When students graduate, it is certain that what they need is a job. With this Kampus Merdeka policy, it is hoped that it can prepare graduate students to become creative and innovative prospective workers who can match the demands of the working world which is increasingly advanced. If this policy is implemented properly and the supporting components for the success of this policy have been well prepared, this policy will run smoothly and successfully. There is nothing wrong with trying new policies to improve the quality of education in Indonesia.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Week 1 (Unforgettable Experience): Holiday Turned into Disaster

February 02, 2021 0 Comments


Cr: Freepik

Ciao everyone! ^^

Long time no post anything in here..

Well, this is my first writing in 2021. In this time, I just wanna share my story that I will never forget all the time maybe this is the worst experience I’ve ever had so traumatized me.

So, here’s the strory...

For children, school holiday is a very awaited moment to spend time with family and play with friends, but not with me at the time. Although it had already been a few years since the incident happened, I could still remember it as if it happened yesterday. My unforgettable experience happened several years ago when I was eight years old, I went to the mall to took a holiday with my family and my cousins to play in the Timezone games.

Cr: Google

At that time, I was with my brother and my cousins satisfied to try various game rides there. Then there is one game ride that we have not tried, and I don’t really remember the name of the game ride. Afterward my father bought the game ride ticket for us and we rode it and enjoyed it. This game ride is like a cup spinning and moving up and down. I’m so excited to try this even though it is a little horrible. The thing that surprised me there was only me, my brother, and my cousins inside the game ride. Because I was still a child, I didn’t really care about that and just enjoyed the moment. It was so fun, so that made me did not realize that the game ride did not stop for more twenty minutes. Soon later suddenly the game ride I was playing collapsed down and made us crash down. Because of a strong blow with a big voice and even made the floor of the mall tremble, mall visitors rushed out to save themselves because they thought it was an earthquake.

I’am very grateful to God that me with my brother and cousins survived in the incident. I still remember exactly that I was kept silence with my panicked mimic when I was trying to understand what is happening at the moment which made my parents screaming and approaching us. At the same time, our condition was checked again to make sure that we were fine, it turned out that my brother had a large lump in the head. Then he was immediatly taken to the hospital for treatment.

The next day, the owner of the mall came to my house to apologize for their negligence in checking the game ride. They brought some fruit and gave some money as a responsibility for the treatment of my brother. My parents reapeatedly told them to be more careful in checking the condition of all the game rides at the mall so that there would be no other victims after us. After this incident, the game ride was finally removed and could not be operated again.

At the time of the incident, I didn't have anything like cuts, bruises, or even bleeding. So, it can be said that my condition is in perfect health and nothing happens to me. However, who would have thought that the effect of this incident occurred several years later.  I have Optic Neuritis makes my left eye can't see clearly. This made me have to go to an eye hospital and was treated for several days with fifteen injections.

 Even so the doctor said that Neurutis Optic could not be completely cured and needed a long treatment time to recover.  The doctor also said that optic neuritis does not have a definite cause and it could be that one of the causes of this could be due to trauma or hit by a hard object. Until now, my left eye is still not fully healed. I became traumatized and did not want to ride the game ride anymore.

LET'S learn english together!