Sunday, November 8, 2020

What is The Ideal English Teacher?

November 08, 2020 0 Comments


Teachers have an important role in the educational process. The success of a generation is one of the roles of teachers. Being the ideal teacher is the goal of all teachers. The criteria for being ideal for the teacher are relative and depend on people's point of view. Likewise when  became an English teacher. Every teacher who teaches English lessons looks easy but difficult to applied. The cause of the problem is how the teacher is able to make the English material  can be accepted by students properly and maximally and there is a positive response from students. In my opinion, there are several criteria for an ideal teacher in teaching English so that it makes classrooms fun and comfortable.

In my view, an ideal English teacher is a teacher who is able to create an attractive and creative English learning model in a way of teaching that is fun, and easy to understand. In this way, the teacher can make a pleasant first impression for students who are just learning English to be more interested in learning and the classroom atmosphere will feel more "alive" and students can enjoy every teaching and learning process in the classroom. Preferably, before giving the material the teacher can start with a song, watch English videos or play games in accordance with the theme of learning English that is being studied. With this kind of warming up, psychologically it will encourage students in receiving new learning materials and also students do not feel bored and learning in class is not monotonous.

In addition, an ideal English teacher is one who can apply English directly in class. The teacher can use several expressions in English, such as giving greetings, expressing feelings at that time, etc. With repetitive habits like this can train students to use English directly. Not only relying on classroom activities, in my opinion a teacher must also be able to be open minded.  Teachers who are open to studentsv will be able to communicate well with students. In teaching English, teachers who are able to understand students are really needed, so that teachers can find out about students' progress in learning and what needs to be improved in the learning and teaching process. Not only that, learning English also requires a teacher who is able to motivate students in the learning process. Because as we know, a lot of students think that English is a difficult and boring subject. Therefore, teaching methods and motivation of a teacher are needed to encourage student interest in learning. When the teacher is more open, students will feel closer to the teacher so that they are free to express their opinions and enjoy the class.

So, actually, there are many methods and attitudes that must be taken by a teacher in the classroom, especially in teaching English, but I think the points above also need to be considered in order to become an ideal teacher. By paying attention to this, students can receive English material pleasantly without coercion, pressure, because according to my experience as a student, I believe that if students feel happy and enthusiastic about taking lessons in class it will not be difficult for them to accept all the materials that to be taught by the teacher.


November 08, 2020 0 Comments


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Friday, November 6, 2020

5 Poems with Different Themes in Indonesian Language (Mid-term Test)

November 06, 2020 0 Comments


By: Siti Maharani Salsabilla


 1. A poem about parents

November dalam Balutan Rindu

Kala senja menderai di bulan Novembersekian tahun yang lalu

Di sela kantuk menjelang malam

Aku  mendengarkan ceritamu, ibu..

Cerita tentang sepatu Cinderella yang dicuri sang pangeran

Cerita selendang bidadari yang dicuri anak perkampungan di tempat pemadian

Lalu, tembang manis mengalun lembut dari bibir mungilmu

(Nina Bobok, Nina Bobok, Kalau Tidak Bobok, Digigit Nyamuk)

Dan  kecupan lembut penuh kasih mendarat di keningku

Aku terlelap di pangkuanmu..


Suatu hari ketika langit bersih..

Cerita-ceritamu ku tulis kembali dalam sajak

Awan-awan putih pun tersenyum manis

Menyanyikan tembang cinta dalam rindu yang menderukan

Angin keperbatasan kota kelahiran kita

Lalu menyapa daun-daun akasia

Yang tumbuh di sudut taman rumah kita

Tempat di mana ibu selalu menanti orang-orang tercinta

Pulang membawakan oleh-oleh pelipur lara



Saat ini putri kecilmu telah menjelma menjadi gadis dewasa

Dari kejauhan perantauan

Putrimu terduduk sendiri merindukan peluk hangatmu

Doamu selalu menyertaiku di setiap langkah lemahku

Semoga kepulanganku nanti

Dapat membawa sebongkah kebahagiaan untukmu


Salam rinduku untukmu..

2. A poem about education

Sajak Untuk Guru

Wahai guru...

Ketika namamu tertulis dalam kalimat nan agung

“Guru, Pembangun Insan Cendekia”

Ku pahat relif asa pada monumen kekaguman

Ingin sepertimu

Mencerdaskan anak negeri

Membangun bangsa dan negara

Dalam bakti sepanjang masa


Hari ini, bulan November 2020

Berjuta kami muridmu, mengagumi hadirmu

Kharismamu bersinar

Bagai mentari pagi menyinari bumi

Menyapa bulir-bulir embun yang bergelayut pada daun

Membangunkan sejuta asa yang terlelap dalam mimpi



Kebesaran cintamu adalah denyut semangat kami

Mewarnai mimpi-mimpi  dilelapnya malam

Merajut asa  ke pelukan bintang

Merenda cita menggapai rembulan



Kini, kami murid-muridmu

Sedang berkayuh mengharungi samudra

Meniti buih dan gelombang

Dalam gerimis riak laut

Demi sebuah perjuangan masa depan


Hari ini,bulan  November 2020

Ku nyanyikan lagu ini untukmu guru

Dalam rindu yg mengharu biru padamu


(Terpujilah wahai engkau
ibu bapak guru
namamu akan selalu hidup
dalam sanubariku

Semua baktimu
akan kuukir di dalam hatiku
sebagai prasasti
terima kasihku tuk pengabdianmu

Engkau sebagai pelita dalam kegelapan
engkau laksana embun penyejuk dalam kehausan
engkau patriot pahlawan bangsa…
tanpa tanda jasa)

Salam rindu untukmu guru-guru tercinta

Dalam doa yang tak pernah henti

Untukmu guru, salam cinta anak negeri.. 

3. A poem about religion 

Suatu Malam dalam Sebuah Senandika pada Tuhan

Ya Allah..

Izinkan ku buka lembaran tahun ini  dengan ridho-Mu

Agar ku mampu menelusuri garis takdir ini dalam Bismillah

Walau kerikil dan jalan berbatuan menyapa setiap pijakku

Ingin ku lewati dalam senandung bersama asma-Mu


Ya Allah..

Izinkan ku kubur catatan lusuh tahun lalu

Di tengah rerimbunan rimba sunyi

Agar ku mampu mengusung catatan putih

Dalam percakapan malam yang beku

Sebab catatan  ini lusuh dan kumuh

Ternoda keangkuhan peradaban zaman


Ya Allah..

Biarkan ku basuh jelaga dosa ini

Dengan embun suci yang engkau turunkan di malam buta

Agar ku tulis setiap asaku di atas sajadah-Mu

Di keheningan pekatnya malam

Dalam rindu pada-Mu yang tak terpadamkan


Ya Allah..

Izinkan gelapnya malam ku tembus bersama cahaya-Mu

Agar dingin yang memagut, sepi yang berselimut

Tak lagi mengunci percakapan malam

Dalam kantuk yang menidurkan


Walau lolongan panjang srigala malam

Menyapih dan mencabik  kengerian

Menggiring tarian semu dalam senadung

Biarkan peradaban subuh mengantarkan

Suluh rindu keabadian cintaku pada-Mu 

4. A poem about nature

Cr: Google

Kota Kenangan

Ku tiba di kotamu ketika langit bersih

Cahaya mentari yang bertelau-telau di balik pohon bambu

Mengabarkan hangatnya kerinduan dalam nyanyian daun bambu

Karena semilir


Tak banyak yang berubah

Walau rasa telah lama usai

Sekian tahun hanyalah rentangan panjang

Bersama cerita-cerita indah tentang keelokan kotamu

Angin yang berembus sepoi

Bunga-bunga yang mekar mewangi

Jalan setapak pada penurunan

Menuju saung-saung bambu ditepi danau mungil

Masih seperti dulu


Dan ketika senja berlabuh

Gerimis merenyai menjemput kelam

Cerita tentangmu mengatup

Menggiring irama langkah menuju perbatasan


Dalam gigil kotamu

Cahaya malam telah menampakkan separuh wajahnya

Kerinduan itu pun ku lipat kembali

Ku titip pada desir semilir di ayunan daun-daun bambu 

5. A poem about love

Ruhku dan Ruhmu dalam Nyanyian Potong Bebek Angsa


Saat kita bertemu,

Lingkaran ruhmu mengitariku

Mengusung sukmaku di bawah bayang-bayang luka

Lalu malaikat-malaikat cinta menyanyikan kidung rindu

Mengusik relung-relung yang nyaris mati

Berbagai cerita pun bergulir dalam alur yang tak terbendung

Menyemarakan kedukaan dalam tarian bidadari-bidadari kecil


Di bawah tatapan sinar rembulan

Kau coba pelajari bahasa ruhku

Tuk menyingkap segala rahasia di balik hati

Ruhmu menyusup di aliran darahku

Ruhmu berputar mengikuti denyut jantungku

Berdetak dalam irama detak nafasku



Cahaya rembulan  yang bertelau-telau di balik daun cemara

Mempertegas ketidakberdayaan ruhmu

Ruhmu...ruhku...akhirnya bercumbu dalam nyanyian potong bebek angsa

Haha…mereka berjingkrak-jingkrak sambil melantunkan nyanyian masa kecil kita


(potong bebek angsa, masak di kuali

Nona minta dansa, dansa empat kali

sorong ke kiri, sorong ke kanan

Tralala…lala…lala.. )

Cemara pun menderai

Dan.. Bibir rembulan kian pucat

Akhirnya ku lepaskan tatapan ruhmu dalam rinai gerimis

Kau sesali ruhku yang tak lagi mengerti syair cinta sang pujangga

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Assignment 5 (News): Calathea, a Beautiful Ornamental Plant that Follows The Popularity of Aglonema to Become The Latest Trend Among People During The Pandemic

October 25, 2020 0 Comments


Cr: Google

By: Siti Maharani Salsabilla

Merangin, – The latest trend of ornamental plants is now spreading in Indonesia, including in Jambi, especially Merangin.

In the midst of the current Corona pandemic, people seem to have a new hobby by collecting various types of plants such as Aglonema, Sri Rejeki, orchids, and currently the most popular plant is Calathea.

Calathea is an ornamental plant that comes from the rainforests of South America and it is becoming an ornamental plant that is gaining popularity among the community. Many people are attracted to Calathea because of the beauty of the variety of leaves and the colors on the leaves.

Recently, many flower lovers have been looking for Calathea, one of which is Mardesi, a resident of Btn Griya Bangko Asri Sei Ulak, Bangko City who collects Calathea in her house. The house that Mardesi lives in is decorated with dozens of pots filled with flowers, and makes her house more colorful. Since long time ago, this housewife has admitted that she loves and has a hobby of collecting flowers. From Aglonema, Bromelia, Sansevieria, cactus and currently her favorite flower is Calathea.



"At first, I became interested in Calathea when I visited my friend's house, my friend also has a hobby of collecting flowers, then I saw one of the flowers in her house turned out to be Calathea, apparently she has a lot of these plants, then I asked for a sprig of Calathea," she said.

The reason she chose Calathea because this plant has its own uniqueness. With a variety of leaf shapes and beautiful colors, it makes her decided to collect Calathea. In addition, Mardesi also revealed that maintaining Calathea does not require a lot of money and also does not need special care. So it is perfect for people who do not want to be difficult in taking care of plants.


"This Calathea has its own uniqueness, the color of the leaves is various and with different shapes. Calathea also does not need special care like Aglonema, we only need to provide planting media such as pots and soil to maintain this flower. You do not need to spend a lot of money, so it is suitable for “emak-emak” who do not want to spend a lot of money, hahaha, ” She said with a laugh.

So far, Mardesi also admitted that she did not pay anything to buy this flower, because when it was still not a trend, Calathea did not have many fans so people just gave it for free when someone asked for it. For several months hunting Calathea to the house of her friends who have the same hobby, Mardesi has been able to collect 10 types of Calathea at her house.

According to Mardesi, Calathea is no less beautiful than Aglonema. Calathea is perfect for lazy people. This is because Calathea only needs to be watered once a day. Calathea prices are also quite expensive for certain types. Prices range from Rp. 50,000 to hundreds or even millions of rupiah. Like one of the flower that is famous for its high price today, namely Janda Bolong.

Not only used as decoration, but if this plant is cultivated diligently, this plant can become money. Mardesi said that since the outbreak of "flower fever", a lot of people are competing to sell flowers, and even some people are willing to go into the forest just to look for ornamental plants. Not only that, some are willing to spend hundreds to millions of rupiah just to buy ornamental plants at this time.

"Yes, so far people have started doing business selling ornamental plants. When it was not yet a trend, people did not seem to care about ornamental plants and even these ornamental plants were not cared properly and were just thrown away by people. But, now people are even willing to buy flowers at high prices, " She said.

At the moment, Mardesi is focusing on caring for her flowers so they can reproduce properly. She plans that when the flowers start to grow, she will sell them. Until now, many people have asked whether her flowers can be sold, but her flowers still cannot be sold because she only has one pot of each type for now.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Assignment 4 (Nonfiction Book Review): The Female Brain Book

October 17, 2020 0 Comments

By: Siti Maharani Salsabilla 


Book details:

·      Book title: The Female Brain

·      Genre: psychology

·      The author: Louann Brizendine, M.D

·      Translator: Meda Satrio

·      Publisher: Ufuk Press

·      Publication Year: 2007

·      Number of pages: 352 pages

·      Language: Indonesia

·      Price: Rp. 45.000

·      Published edition number: ISBN 979-1238-27-8

“You work on logic, she works on emotion”

People say, especially men, it is difficult to get to know women well because women are complicated and difficult to understand creatures. For some men, understanding women is a difficult thing, even more difficult than doing math exam. In addition, if we hear a book that discusses about the brain, especially the female brain, the first thing that comes to our mind is something that is very complicated, complex, and maybe boring for some people, but not with the explanation inside this book.

The Female Brain is a book released in 2006 written by American neurologist Louann Brizendine, M.D, a pioneer of neuropsychiatry and director of the Women's and Teen Girls' Mood and Hormone Clinic (the first clinic in the United States to specifically research and think  female brain function).  In words that don’t use rigid scientific language, which are easy to understand, and with examples drawn from everyday experience, she reveals the latest findings that show how unique the structure of the female brain is that determines how women think, the things that women think is important, how they communicate, and who they will love.

 Louann Brinzendine

This book explains the life cycle of women from fetus to the elderly by taking a medical approach.  Brinzendine writes that every time a woman enters a phase of her life, each time there are changes in hormonal levels that can affect physical development, and what is more emphasized in this book is the emotional changes of women that greatly affect the way they socialize, communicate, make decisions,  negotiations, facing conflicts, to matters of love.

This book is very clear in explaining these emotional changes and how women deal with them, as well as some advice on how we should respond to them. From this book we can also find out some of the reasons why women talk more than men, why women remember details of quarrels that men cannot remember at all, why young girls are so obsessed with their appearance, why women are more sensitive than men, etc. All of this we can find the answer in this book. Louann Brizendine has conducted this research for 20 years, so that she is able to convey all of these things in a language style that is easy to understand and accompanied by examples of real events in everyday life making it easier for us to understand every information presented in this book.

As someone who really likes things related to psychology, this book has become one of my favorite book lists after Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus. This is because I think by reading psychology books I can understand what is going on in me, besides that I can also better understand how a person's character is. The interesting part in this book is the explanation of how the female brain in the phase of sexual maturity experiences changes from puberty where it occurs in increased sensitivity, growth of stress circuits, verbal, emotions that make women in this phase experience changes in the circuit of making decision and control emotions ripen early. It is not surprising that women are able to control their emotions earlier than men.

Not only understanding hormones in women, this book is also highly recommended for women who are still single and for couples who are getting married. Because this book is equipped with real cases in a family, the problems after marriage are very real and are fully explained with their hormonal causes and how to overcome them. For women who often experience stress, especially myself who feel it, emotional problems with a partner and so on, will also get a clear explanation regarding what happens to the real female brain.

Even after reading this book as a woman we will know how to react in case of disturbances that can make bad changes to our brain circuits. What I can conclude from this book is that hormones are very influential on changes in the female brain region. This book is perfect for young people to adults who are eager to know why a woman can behave unexpectedly and act differently at each stage. Especially for men, you must read this book so that you don't get caught up in dealing with women. 😄


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